About Me

Last updated: July 22, 2023

A starry night sky.

I’m Steve Monsen. I’m a full-stack web developer. I’ve been a full-time freelancer since the ’90s. I also work with a few agencies focused on WordPress/WooCommerce, Shopify, & Hubspot.


Technologies that I work with include:

  • WordPress
    • Elementor
    • WooCommerce
    • Headless WordPress
    • Performance tuning and optimization for page speed and Core Web Vitals
    • Perfmatters
  • Shopify
  • Hubspot
    • Theme development and CWV optimization
  • JavaScript
    • React
    • Next.js
    • Prisma
    • Node.js
  • PHP

My plans for this blog are to share tutorials and tips for the technologies that I work with — especially things that don’t seem to be covered in much detail elsewhere. I’ll also share some of my experiences as a freelancer and working with agencies.